30. elokuuta 2014

Some ringing in Espoo 30.8.2014

Yesterday Roni Väisänen called me and asked if i want to join him to do some ringing in Espoo.
I´m always interested so i promised to join.
Woke up at 5.20 and after quick morning rituals i was driving towards Laajalahti where i met Roni.
All nets were already open when i arrived so i just had to sit down and have some breakfast. We had Blyth´s Reed Warbler near the net but not in the net unfortunately.
Like many times before, first round was the best and we caught decent numbers of birds. Common Snipe and Red-backed Shrike were best.
Between rounds we had good time talking about birds and other stuff. Also quite many Red-throated Pipits migrating over the reeds and one Black Woodpecker showed to us.

Red-backed Shrike.

Common Snipe.

Roni with the Snipe.
Heikki Eriksson joined us little later and he had nice bird release photoshoot with Roni.
We had some raptor watch during the day and we had few Sparrow Hawks, two Marsh Harriers, some Hobbys and one Goshawk this time.
Roni and Heikki are having good time.

Here is full list of ringings.

Common Snipe
Dunnock 3
Sedge Warbler 18
Common Reed Warbler 2
Marsh Warbler
Lesser Whitethroat 4
Blackcap 3
Willow Warbler 10
Grat Tit 3
Blue Tit 6
Red-backed Shrike 2
Reed Bunting 3

Other birds

Black Woodpecker
Red-throated Pipit ~10
Blyth´s Reed Warbler

Second Red-backed Shrike. Very different looking bird.

Reed Bunting.

Sedge Warbler.

Fly little Shrike.

 After six hours we took all nets down and packed our stuff.
Thanks Roni and Heikki, great fun. I hope we can have another day very soon.


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