This weekend has been running around the capital area to some birthday parties with my family and just relaxing at home when possible.
On Saturday we had Sanni´s god daughter´s birthday in Espoo and most of the afternoon was spent there. Today we visited in Pakila, where we had our friends son´s party. Lots of cake and stuff this weekend! I had first Woodpigeon of the year while driving back home from there!
Later today I had my mother visiting us and we decided to take the kids outside. We had good time in playground and we also visited Viikki staples to see some horses. Vilma was so excited about those! Julius was sitting in a stroller and he just wanted to play some ball. I was hoping to see some spring birds, but nothing really in the area... Loads of Crows, pair of Ravens, Jackdaws, House Sparrows, Green Finches etc.
Sun was shining and it was really nice spring weather.
First Coltsfoot (tussilago farfara) for the year. |
Jackdaw with only a little white collar. |
This bird had much more and it was the "blondie" of the flock. Great looking bird. |
Rather odd looking male Mallard with almost bluish peak. |
One of many Hooded Crows. |
What a weather. |
We also gave some bread to the Mallards and kids had fun.
Hopefully more birds next week!
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