Yesterday I was a part of group which visited Isosaari island. Place is quite new for public and it has been restricted military zone before they ended their action there.
Island still holds some areas only for military staff and old cannons around the island. Peetri Joki picked me up from Maunula and our bot left at 4am from Hakaniemi. It took 35 minutes to reach the island and after short walk we arrived to our watching point. I was hoping for mass migration, but this was not the day, again. Velvet Scoters, Black Guillemots and other common stuff around and small flocks of all kinds of wildfowl headed towards East. Big surprise was Black Grouse which passed our watching point and landed somewhere near. Migration was rather slow, here is some numbers our group counted during the day. These numbers are only migrating birds. Also there is no Barnacle Goose or Common Scoter numbers.
- Brent Goose 140
- Greater Scaups 121
- Velvet Scoter 132
- Red-throated Diver 9
- Black-throated Diver 47
- Diver sp. 356
- Honey Buzzard 7
- Hobby 3
- Grey Plover 390
- Red knot 9
- Large wader sp. 1670
- Arctic Skua 16
- Razorbill 22
- Common Guillemot 2
Early morning was super beautiful. |
Part of our group. |
Flock of Black-throated Divers. |
Early morning Velvet Scoter. |
Brent Goose flock. |
Later we also walked around the island. Ahti found singing Red-breasted Flycatcher and I twitched it with Peetri later. Also we had tens of Common Rosefinches, Lesser Whitethroats, some Wood Warblers, Yellow Wagtails, Marsh Warler, Garden Warblers, Black Woodpecker, two Ruddy Turnstones, two Blue Throats, some Rock Pipits and almost the last bird we saw in the island, Black Redstart. Here is few pictures.
Honey Buzzard. |
Ruddy Turnstone. |
Rock Pipit. |
Rock Pipit. |
Common Rosefinch. |
Black Grouse. |
Black Woodpecker, female. |
Black Redstart. |
Willow Warbler and Blue Throat. |
Blue Throat. |
Wood Warbler. |
What an amazing trip we had. I gathered 20 new species to my year list and Black Grouse was new Helsinki area tick for me!
Big thanks to Mikko Salonen who arranged this whole visit. Great job! Also thanks Peetri and the orhers for the company, we had great time!
Very rare birds in Finland at the moment, but so far away! Caspian Plover in Tuuri, which is about 4 hours from Helsinki. This week produced also White-tailed Lapwing from Lapua, Cattle Egret from Ii, Gull-billed Tern from Helsinki (took off after five minutes....) Greater Sandplover from Alavus and Booted Eagle from Pamio! What a set of rarities. Let´s hope that even one will urn up from Helsinki area, cause I have one week vacation starting tomorrow!
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