We started this morning in Tahkuna, North point of the island. Weather was foggy and rather cold, so not much changes to photo. Soon after we arrived to Tahkuna i spotted nice looking Lesser Black-backed Gull sitting with big flock of Common Gulls. Clearly the Bach of the Gull was more like dark gray than black, so i thought that this bird must be Siberian Gull or something like that. This Lesser Black-backed Gull problem is not so easy so this bird goes with Graelsii/Heuglini/Intermedius title.
Lots of Common Eiders, one Brent Geese, Greenshank and some other wildfowl around.
Putative Siberian Gull. |
Tahkuna lighthouse and Risto. |
Barn Swallow waiting better weather. |
After Tahkuna we checked on of the best shorebird places in whole Estonia when we arrived to Luidjalaht.
Even thought it is midsummer and shorebirds are just starting their migration, we had 11 species and about 200 individuals.
Dunlin 16, Pied Avocet 2, Common Ringed Plover 70, Common Curlew 1, Oystercatcher 5, Ruff 12, Greenshank 3, Wood Sandpiper 4, Redshank 30, Golden Plover 1, Lapwing 20. Other goodies were Little Tern, five Caspian Terns and 20 Common Shelducks.
All the birds were quite far, so here is only panorama from Luidjalaht. |
Soon after we visited famous Cape Ristna, it was completely covered in fog and looked like that.
Cape Ristna. |
Körgessaare harbor was next destination but it was quite empty.. Lots of Mute Swans and some anas-ducks. Best was two Little Terns..
Divorced? Herring and Greater Black-backed Gulls. |
Distant Little Tern. |
After Körgessaare we went back to our hotel to check out and took rest of our stuff. We had also quick coffee before we went to Nömmerga field area to check if there would be any raptors or maybe Lesser-grey Shrike. We counted 10 Winchats, 9 Red-backed Shrikes, three White-tailed Eagles and one Wryneck. From Nömmerga we drove to Söru but best bird was lonely White Stork.
Our last place in Hiiumaa was Käina bay. There is huge colony of Great Cormorants and place was also full of Swans and Greylag Geese.
While searching some better i saw adult Barred Warbler flying near the bird tower, best bird there.
About 2500 Great Cormorants, 400 Greylag Geese, three White-tailed Eagles, lone Garganey male and that Barred Warbler.
Käina bay panorama. |
Great Cormorant. |
Awesome colony of Cormorants. |
Small Copper butterfly. |
After Käina we were driving to the ferry when suddenly our exhaust pipe felt and car started to sound quite noisy. We stopped and Risto made quick repair with Jändes key chain and we managed just in time to the ferry. Later when we came back to mainland and same cottage village where we were earlier place owner made better repair for the pipe but Risto need to by new one when we get back to Helsinki.
Evening was ruined because Argentina won Belgium. I hope Netherlands will win later tonight.
More birding tomorrow.
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