Yesterday me, Jände and Risto arrived to Estonia. Quite late we get key to our cottage in Bergsby willage in Western Estonia. Place is nice and very near of all the good birding spots in the area. Into the bargain Margus Ellermaa, Tarvo Valker and Jukka Salokangas were in the next cottage, so familiar faces around.
Our target this time is Ruddy Shelduck and because this species have some movement going, there is quite good change to see it.
Today we woke up way too late and after long breakfast we went to Dirhami harbor. Nothing special there and when i was photographing Common White-Throats we got message that Peep Lassman had two Ruddy Shelducks in Tallinn!
Quickly we moved back to the car and started to drive.
Adult Common White-Throat. |
Juvenile same species. |
About 100km later we arrived to Paljassaare where the birds were seen earlier. We scanned the beaches and all places for two hours. Lots of other birds around but not those what we want so we dipped this time..
Maybe we will found our own bird later this trip, but this was little depressing. Nice birds around Paljassaare was about 20 Sand Martins, some Little Ringed Plovers, Red-breasted Mergansers etc. Here is some photos from Tallinn.
Jände. |
Cute juvenile Northern Wheatear. |
Risto. |
More Mute Swans coming soon. |
One of many Sand Martins. |
After disappointment food is always good first aid, so we tested some local food bar. Average food.
Local food bar in Kopli area. |
After food we drove back to Western part of the country, saw Hazel Grouse family who faced horrible destiny.. Female was escorting chicks other side of the road, first chicks were run over by car and little later female had same misfortune..
If our day was not ruined after dipping the Shelduck, it was now..
Female Hazel Grouse. |
After this horrible incident Risto noticed that we had only little bit over 30 minutes time to get our asses to ferry, we drove like a maniacs, but by the book of course. :)
Ferry to Hiiumaa took about 80 minutes. Later when we arrived we checked Suursadam if the Alpine Accentor would be around after two months. Last sighting was over a month a go.
Was not big surprise that it was not there today.
Common Gull from the ferry. |
Suursadam summer. |
After Suursadam we checked in to Padu Hotel and now we are enjoying football and some beverages.
More birding tomorrow.
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