6. lokakuuta 2021

Harilaid 6.10.2021

 Today we started very early and we drove Harilaid, which is most western point of Saaremaa. Great peninsula with beautiful scenery. We checked the whole area and walked about 10 kilometers aroudn the place. Nice sightings were Peregrine Falcon, Ruddy Turnstone, Golden Plover, and couple of Great-grey Shrikes. Nothing too fancy this time.. 

Ruddy Turnstone. 

And again.

Bird was really confident. 

Two Eiders.

What a place.

Jände and Juha.

Harilaid lighthouse. 

Lighthouse keepers. 

Male Roe Deer. 

Peregrine Falcon in morning light. 

Migrating Barnacle flock.


Later we stopped at gas station and at the shop. We arrived back to the bird station around four pm, and soon we went to check places near by. Only common birds and not really new birds in the area, but who knows, maybe tomorrow is the day! Spotted Redshank was best bird today in Sôrve area. 

Grey Plover.

Beautiful Herring Gull.

Lots of Bramblings around.

More birds and birding tomorrow. 


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