Yesterday was first time when i actually had time to do some bird watching. I woke up late.. (Nice start) and went to Seurasaari. On my way i checked my local little lake which is still open and i think it will be open all winter. One interesting bird was little leucistic Mallard.
Leucistic bird upper right. |
In seurasaari i checked normal feeding places and places where normally Eagle Owl and Pygmy Owl were seen. Not luck with the Owls that time, but Nuthatch, two Crested Tits, Black Woodpecker, Sparrow Hawk and Robin were nice. Crested Tit is actually rarest of the "normal" tits in Seurasaari.
Very poor record shot of Sparrow Hawk. |
Wintering Robin. |
Crested Tit. |
Little later i met my girlfriend Sanni and together we twitched Northern Hawk Owl from Lapinlahti and we had also Shore Lark and flock of Twites in Jätkäsaari. Very nice species here!
Hawk Owl. |
Today i met Olavi Kemppainen and Mari Pihlajaniemi at the Hotel President and we checked some conference rooms for our Annual spring meeting and also amazing looking function room for same nights evening party.
When i left and i was waiting my tram, i saw Goshawk hunting Feral Pigeons in city-center.
More birding later.
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