Earlier this week i had some time to do local birding in Helsinki. My shift started at 3 pm and before that i went to twitch Eurasian Wigeon. Long staying couple of Wigeon have been in small lake which is part of the Töölönlahti. I went there and quite soon noticed male Wigeon swimming among the Mallards. Here is one quite good picture of the male.
Male Wigeon showing hes wings. |
Also you can see female swimming in that same photo up right. This was probably my easiest missing winter tick before these birds. Now number is 123 and i started to count these two years a go.
Later i walked through city center and went to Tähtitorninmäki because i knew some people saw Nuthatch there few days earlier. I got no luck with that species, but i found my first Common Redpoll for this year and lost of other common birds. Robin was only not so regular winter bird there.
Green Finch with Great Tit. |
Robin. |
Female Blackbird. |
Time went quickly and soon i had to go to work. Nice sunny day and i was really satisfied.
Good news came today that Snowy Owl is still in Kokkola, so wish me luck that we will see it next Saturday.
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