What a day I had!
All started at nine thirty when our ferry left from Kaivopuisto to Pihlajasaari. I had my family and Vilma´s cousins Aapo and Oona with me. Ferry takes only 15 minutes and you are in beautiful little island just off from Helsinki. There is some sandy beaches with small forests in this island. Barnacle Geese with chicks everywhere and those can be very aggressive when defending their young.
Pihlajasaari holds a possible pair of Firecrests and when I was there today, I had only info of one bird. We went straight to the place and this awesome male was already singing there. I had Vilma in the strollers and tick in my bag! This first time we did not see the bird, but later we fortunately did.
After this tick we went to have picnic and we let the kids play.
Barnacle Goose. |
Common Gull with awesome background. |
Very noisy flock of Oyster Catchers. |
Green-veined White. |
Beach. |
After food and beverages we continued back to the Firecrest place. I noticed a guy sitting there and same time the bird was singing maybe 2 meters above him. I told the guy that "Nice that the bird is now showing and singing openly" This man stood up and asked "What Firecrest" and then I realized that his hearing ability was weak. Guy was very happy and he thanked me many times.
I really made his day there! Here is my poor set of pics of the bird. It was really hard to photo.
Firecrest. |
Firecrest. |
Firecrest. |
Anyway, you can see the species there!
Later we just walked around the island and kids had great time. I really recommend the place if you are visiting Helsinki. Maybe not in wintertime (can´t get there) but anyway. :)
Female Common Eiders. |
Barn Swallow. |
Common Tern. |
Vilma with the Geese. |
We were back at home at one a clock and I noticed that the Great-gray Owl, which was found same morning from Espoo by Pasi Pirinen, was still present. Sanni and Vilma went to have a nap and I drove to Matinkylä for a twitch. After 23 minutes I arrived and Pasi showed me the bird.
It was really amazing to see this species again and in middle of June! Don´t know that the Owl did there, but possibly first record in June ever in this area.
The Owl was hiding very effectively. |
Great-gray Owl. |
When I was driving back home I stopped in Laajalahti where I had distant Great-white Egret and Red-backed Shrike to my year list. I tried to take photos of the Egret trough my telescope, but heat ripple made it impossible... Great ending for the day anyway.
Rest of the week still of , so maybe I take Vilma and we will visit vanhankaupunginlahti or some place else.
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