On 8th of April I had nice evening walk with my kids to see our local celebrities, Frogs in Viikki. It seems that annually they are here to breed and this time there was huge gathering of Frogs and quite impressive load of spawn. Kids were impressed of the Frogs and they wanted to see those also next evening when my mother came and visited the place with us. We kept the distances of course!
Here is few pictures from the Frog place
Loads of Frog spawn. |
Frogs. |
Frog selfie. |
This one looked a bit pissed. |
I have also had few short visits to Vanhankaupunginlahti recent days. On 6th of April I had few nice birds from Purolahti like flock of five Tundra Swans and Red Shank. On 8th I had Lesser Ringed Plover and Pintail duck. 9th I twitched our local Common Moorhen about 400m from our house.
Here is few photos of those birds.
One of four Red shanks. |
Common Moorhen. |
Whooper Swan flock in front and Tundra Swan flock behind them Taken with my mobile phone.. |
On 10th we had nice day at Hanko with my uncle, but more about that in next post.
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