On 23rd I took whole morning for birds and that was really awesome. I started before sunrise and my target place was Porto Conte area and I was trying to get my self walking on a slopes of Monte Doglia (463m from sea level). I parked my car and started to walk on a sandy road upwards when I noticed a small animal walking. I stopped and raised my binos, Wild Boar piglet! I knew that if there is a small one, there has to be a bigger one too and took only few seconds when I saw the big one! I slowly turned around and walked back to my car. Phooh, those animals could be dangerous! I can handle a piglet, but the bigger one is in another weight class.
I continued driving and had few stops where I had flock of Barbary Partridges and some Yellow-legged Gulls..
One Barbary Partridge from the flock. |
Cicada. |
I continued again and this time I stopped when I saw a small Sylvia-warbler crossing the road. I watched the place and suddenly I had male Marmora´s Warbler and maybe two juveniles near me.
I must say that I panicked and took randomly photos of birds and almost all of my pics are crap..
Birds disappeared quickly and I never found them again... Had the call too, so no Dartford´s Warblers.
This is possibly one of the juveniles. |
Adult bird. |
As you can see, not so good stuff...
I tried to relocate the birds but all I found was more and more Sardinian Warblers and big spiders.
Huge spider. About 4cm long and net was about 1m wide. |
Juvenile Sardinian Warbler. |
And again. |
After this place I went to check what time the nature reserve opens the doors, but that was at 10 aclock so too late for me.
I made some stops and then decided to check Lake Baratz about 20km from there.
Nice flock of Spotless Starlings on my way and when I stopped, I noticed some cape named Belvedere Porticciolo. Another Marmora´s Warbler, some Red-veined Darters, some lizard and great views.
Belvedere Porticciolo. |
Southern Gatekeeper. |
Red-veined Darter female. |
Red-veined Darter male. |
Spotless Starlings. |
Lizzard sp. |
I finally arrived to Lake Baratz and it was super hot already. I walked to the lake and noticed huge numbers of Dragonflies going here and there. I think that there must be around 2000 Long Skimmers patrolling around the lake. Impressive sight. Lone Broad Scarlet male among the Skimmers.
Long Skimmer male. |
Broad Scarlet male. |
From the lake I found huge numbers of Coots, some Common Pochards, lots of Red-crested Pochards, Little Grebes, Grea Crested Grebes, Little Egrets, lone Marsh Harrier, Grey Heron and Squacco Heron. I have never seen so many Red-crested Pochards in one place.
Also Cetti´s Warbler around. Great place!
Distant Red-crested Pochards. |
Squacco Heron. |
It was so hot, and because I forgot my waterbottle into my car, I had to leave. I continued back towards Alghero and I drove about 20 different small roads before I finally found my first Balearic Woodchat Shrike! Bird was sitting on a wire and when I stopped it disappeared... Great.
Anyway, great tick for the future.
Finally my last place was near the Fertilia airport. I drove a small road and noticed big butterfly. Quickly out and amazing Swallowtail butterfly near me. For a second I dreamed about the Corsican Swallowtail, which is ne of the rarest butterflies in Europe, but this was "just" normal Swallowtail.
Swallowtail. |
Swallowtail. |
Later we had great day as a family and we visited Capo Caccia near Fertilia and had gelatos after god food.
Yesterday we had reat day in Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia. It took about three hours to drive there, but it was really worth it.
Streets of Cagliari. |
Some old monument. |
We visited all the famous sites and this was maybe one of the day trips ever.
During the drive I had two Woodchat Shrikes, two Red Kites, lots of Kestrels and Common Buzzards.
After spending the day in beautiful city, it was great the end it with this view near our hotel.
Home beach. |
Today we are going to see little city called Bosa and tomorrow maybe Stintino area.
More stuff coming later.
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