Today i went to Ämmässuo dump with Roni Väisänen. Roni had some work earlier there and i arrived at 9:30. After we drove in we saw several hundreds of gulls around the area. Mostly there was Black headed Gulls and Herring Gulls.
After driving around some time we had many Greater Black-backed Gulls, Lesser Black-backed Gulls, some Mew Gulls along the Black headed Gulls and Herrings. Also some Northern Wheatears, Meadow Pipits, Starlings and few Skylarks.
Adult Baltic Gull. |
Juvenile Skylark. |
Ugly Herring Gull! |
Earlier we had some talking about other Lesser Black-backed Gulls like "graelsii, heuglini and intermedius" races and soon Roni found nice looking bird standing on a slope. It had clearly Greyish back and it was Lesser BB gull. We had to get some pics of it!
We drove little bit closer and i got nice series of pics. Unfortunately this is specie witch you can´t id from the pics... Mostly birds with rings can be identify.
Gull. |
Again. |
Open wing. |
Adult tail. |
Both wings. |
So, nice trip to dump today. Thank you Roni for company and taking me with you! Later summer there will be more juvenile birds, and then we must go back to check those.
More story next week, after my weekend in work.
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