Today we started little later, at 8:00. First stop was Eilat mountains to check if there´s any raptor migration.
Poor day for the raptors and we continued quickly to Yotvata and Qetura.
First we checked Qetura sewage and surprisingly we found Whimbrel there! Also tasty Egyptian Vulture during our drive.
Whimbrel. |
Egyptian Vulture, Subadult. |
Naturally we continued to Yotvata next and there we had two short periods of raptor watch. Nice Montagus Harrier, Booted Eagle, Namaqua Dove, Whinchat, Collared Pratincoles and some Ortolan Buntings.
Collared Pratincole. |
Namaqua Dove |
Whinchat. |
Time was flying again and we continued to km20 pools. Nothing, and i mean nothing interesting there. Only huge flock of Little Stints, Flamingos, some Red-necked Phalaropes etc.
Juvenile Flamingo. |
Soon we were in Yotvata sewage and there we had nice flock of different kind of Yellow Wagtails and other normal birds.
Red-throated Pipit. |
Squacco Heron. |
Next stop was km 19 pools where we had Osprey, lots of different ducks and real pain in the ass, the flies.. These Flies bite really painful.. Flesh eating bastards.
Osprey. |
Later we had quick snack in hotel and then nice sea-watch in North Beach. Lots of Lesser Black-backed Gulls, Garganeys, Buzzards and one Harrier flying very high.
Tomorrow something else. I will try to agree at least one visit to ringing station before we leave.
Not much text, but i think it is better for you guys :)
Good night.
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