Day off with Vilma and Ring-necked Duck in Raasepori yesterday evening (Found by Andreas Linden two days ago). Finally after seven a clock we started from home to twitch the duck, but after 25 minute drive I got some bad news..
No Ring-necked Duck anymore.. I have seen one in Finland back in 2012, but I really wanted to see this one.. Well my normal luck. I had small gap yesterday after my nightshift, but I was way too tired.
I turned the car and we headed to Suomenoja, because it is easy place with Vilma and always lots of birds to see an photo. First new year tick waited me near the parking lot, a handsome male Northern Wheatear. We walked around the lakes, but nothing really special there. Lots of singing Chiffchaffs, Common Pochards, Tufted Ducks, Showelers, Gadwalls, Mallards, Coots, Great Bittern and finally Slavonian Grebe to my year list. Bittern was funny, only two calls and then nothing.. I tried to see the bird, because the sounds came very near, but no luck.
I took pics from everywhere, but nothing great, like normally. Finally we arrived to the south-side tower and I let Vilma walk around and together we went into the tower. Suddenly all the black-headed Gulls (around 1000 birds) took off and noise was amazing. Reason for took off was obvious when I saw Peregrine Falcon flying wet from the tower. Always pleasure to see this amazing raptor.
Gadwalls and Showeler behind. |
Moorhen. |
Slavonian Grebe. |
Common Coot. |
Common Pochard male. |
Common Pochard female. |
Later we just walked around the area and back to the car. One species of mammals was also seen when I noticed Muskrat swimming near the reeds too far from us.
Records shot of the Muskrat. |
Black-headed Gull pair. |
Bad photo of Chiffchaff. |
The morning turned to be very nice with three new species to my year list. Vilma had good time and she liked to walk round the lake.
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