Today we started from Hietaniemi where we twitched long staying Long-eared Owl. Bird was hiding in a thick tree and it was very hard to locate it. Because of the situation I did not took any photos, but always nice to see these.
Weather was sunny and clear but it was really really cold (-14degrees).
Hietaniemi. |
After Hietaniemi we went to Eira to meet my friends Petteri, Matleeta and Mimosa from Pori. We had quick look of the Two-barred Crossbill and then a nice coffee in Cafe Carusel nearby.
It was great to see old friends after a long time all together. Later we dropped Matleena to city center and with Petteri and Mimosa we went to see that hybrid Thrush again.
Bird was showed nicely and lots of photographers around. I managed to get quite good pictures of the bird.
With Blackbird. |
Angry Black-throated Thrush. |
Little bit closer. |
We continued towards Petteris car which was parked near the Crossbill place and we had another look of the bird. Also this was showing well and everybody saw the bird. We also met our friend Gustav there.
Two-barred Crossbill. |
Because Petteri and Mimosa had to leave I walked back to Kaivopuisto with Gustav and it was time to go home. Vilmas nap time was coming and she really needs her beautysleep :)
During the walk I stopped one, to take photo of the Hawk Owl in the park.
Long staying Hawk Owl and Greenfinch. |
We had very nice morning today. Shame that didn´t have more time with the Mäkelä family, but I think we will met soon again. Thanks for the company.
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