2. lokakuuta 2012

Good day in Bird-station. 2.10.2012

Like i said yesterday, we had some owl nets on last night and we caught 4 Tengmalm´s Owls! First came at 11pm when we did first round. After that we had 3.30am round with Jari but nothing in the nets that time.

First Tengmalm´s. 

Here we have constant watch and today it started at 7.35am. Aatu and me went to the bunker and other guys had their ringing.
Markus Varesvuo came to the bunker for a day trip. It was nice to meet him finally.
Soon we noticed that today was good for Sparrow Hawks, but passerine migration was very slow...
We tried to photo some Sparrow Hawks and other birds with Markus and Jari came to the bunker quite soon.
When Tatu had two Tengmalm´s Owls last night, one of those went trees behind our sauna and Jari found it there.
Me, Markus and Jari went there and Owl was still sitting in the tree. We had nice photo session with the Owl and after other went back to the bunker, Dick Forsman came and he wanted also take some photos of the Owl.
I stayed with Dick and we had nice conversation about Israel, Eastern Honey Buzzards and other things.

This one was just watching us. 

We went back to the bunker and continued our Sparrow Hawk photo mission.
Also Eurasian Jays had nice movement and there was big flocks of those. We had some Jays also from the nets so we got close contact with this weird specie.
While people were talking, i saw weird looking bird flying above the woods and i yelled something like "what a hell is that bird"! Dick said immediately that it´s 1cy Long-tailed Skua!! Very nice bird here and not even annually here in hanko i guess.
Bird flew straight to west and disappeared after 5min. This was new specie for me in Finland so it tasted even more sweeter this time! Markus got some nice photos about the bird but i can´t put those here, sorry.
Here is some pics from the bunker.

Nutcracker in flight.

1cy Sparrow Hawk

And another youngster got ring from Jari.

I was helping guys in the nets also and most of the birds what i took of and checked were Goldcrest so here is photo of one.

1cy Male is handsome looking bird. 

Thanks for our day-trip guys Markus and Dick for company and hope we meet soon again.
Here is some migration number s from today:
Sparrow Hawk, 211
Merlin, 5
Peregrine 1 local
Jay, 113
Nutcracker, 4
Black Woodpecker 3 locals
Long-tailed Skua 1, 1cy 11:55-11:59 W
Chaffinch 543
Brambling 17
Siskin 880

We have Owl rounds tonight again so let´s see what tonight brings.



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