How you doing guys??
I have been lazy and stuck at work so i have not time to watch birds..
Today i had time!
Because my next shift is night shift i had to sleep quite late and i start at 2pm.
First place was Finnå.. You know, this is freaking hard to tell something when you have absolutely nothing to tell... Yes i can say that i saw few Tufted Ducks with very little young and i was thinking that is this already second round?
Finnå was dead.. Few Garden Warblers were singing and few were carrying food. Most of the ducks have start their autumn-moulting and few male Shovelers looked like female. That´s weird system what they have every year. Think if human men have their handsome summer-looks and after July it will chance to similar what females have.
Common Swift. |
Northern Shoveler. |
Still some young Black-headed Gulls present. |
Best sighting at Finnå was White-tailed Eagle just before i opened my car doors.
Next place was Maari bird-tower. There was of course some people when i arrived, but enough room fo my telescope.
Only good thing in July is shorebird migration. When i checked the meadow, witch is by the way totally under water because heavy rains last few days i saw huge numbers of common species.
Dunlin 45, Curlew Sandpiper 5, Temmink´s Stint 6, Little Stint 1, Broad-billed Sandpiper 2, Ruff 10, Redshank 4, Spotted Redshank 5, Common Snipe 4, Greenshank 3, Wood Sandpiper 70, Green Sandpiper 2 Common Sandpiper 8, Little Ringed Plover 15, Lapwing 40. Also Teals, Wigeons and Mallards were numerous.
Next shower coming?? |
Broad-billed Sandpiper phonescoup. |
Common Sandpiper phonescoup. |
I was in the tower about one hour and then i get bored..
Next place was Seurasaari and i just grab my camera and binoculars with me.
Again, nothing to tell... Tits, Canada Goose, Barnacle Goose, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Fieldfares, Song Thrushes and so on.. After 25minutes the rain started and i had to run to my car. So nice ending..
Barnacle Goose couple. |
Today i will book our flights to Ireland for next month. Bidges of ross, Shearwaters, Skuas, Gannets and so on. Im going to have about 10 new lifers because i so dude that i haven´t saw any Gannet ever... Brown boobies i have seen about 3.. :)
Rest of the week im at work so next post maybe after weekend.
Take care of yourselves.