So, we had nice almost full day trip to Hanko with my uncle Jan. I left home around five am and after hour and a half I arrived to Hanko area were we met. For safety reasons we had two cars.
our starting point was at Högholmen, which is a quite high cliff where you can have sea watch. We spend there about an hour and migration was very slow.. Tons of Common Eiders around, pair of Shelducks, one small flock of Common Scooters, some Swans, Pintail and other common stuff.
Common Eiders. |
Högholmen cliff. |
Whooper Swan. |
Common Shelducks. |
After Högholmen we drove to Täktom fields, or I did. Not really much birds, but at least some Skylarks, Meadow Pipits and five species of Thrushes.
I drove back a bit and I noticed Jände talking with Dick Forsman. It was nice to see Dick after long time.
Soon we continued to the place called Kobben. I visited there last time I was in Hanko with Tyron and it was good spot. This time the water level was little it too high and place only held some Red Shanks, Oystercatchers, lone Common Snipe, pair of Common Cranes and a bit surprising Caspian Tern. We had nice watch there behind a small hut which gave us wind shelter.
Kobben road. |
After Kobben we made short visit to Ryssholmen beach, but nothing interesting there..
Ryssholmen beach. |
Just before the main road from Ryssholmen I noticed an small bird with rusty red tail. I stopped my car and Black Redstart was sitting on a branch. I came out and told Jände about the bird. We both saw it nicely, but it disappeared before any photos.. We searched the area and I´m wuite sure I saw it again briefly, but after that nothing. Mistle Thrush and Robin were around. Good species and always nice to have self found bird.
After the Redstart we went to check Neljäntuulentupa and have some sea watch again. Still slow at the sea and we had only 30 minutes there.
It was sunny and warm. |
Soon we were back in Taktom to have some raptor watch and it was nice to see that at least 6 White-tailed Eagles, two Common Buzzards and Marsh Harrier were flying around. Mistle Thrush was singing. Dick was there also and we said Hi before we left.
Last place in Hanko area was Longören and there we only had some other birders and almost zero birds..
White Wagtail in Longören. |
We checked the map and soon we were driving towards Raasepori where we had some food before we moved to Evitskog to check a flock of Geese. There was lone Brent Goose in mixed flock of Greater White-fronted and Bean Geese with almost hundred Barnacle Geese.
We found the flock but no Brent Goose...
Flock was distant, but quite easy to watch with telescope. |
After this we called it a day. We drove to Espoo where I did some shopping for Jände and we left.
I quickly stopped in Suomenoja to tick Slavonian Grebe to my year list before I went back home.
Suomenoja is one of the largest nesting sites for Black-headed Gull in capital area. |
Grebe disappeared soon after I found it so no photos this time.
I had great day, even though we didn´t see anything really interesting. With my uncle I have had the best moments with birds and I hope we can do this together forever. Thanks for the company.
Nine new birds to my year list and now the number is 120. More is coming soon.
Stay safe.