This October has been very good for rare birds in Finland. Amazing influx of Siberia Accentors and other goodies made me drive around southern Finland.
On 10th of October we made family trip to Naantali to twitch Siberian Accentor. Quite long drive but really was worth of it! We arrived early afternoon and still lots of birders around. Bird was hiding in very bad place with lots of vegetation and bushes. We climbed to the hill where the bird was and something amazing happened. It took only few minutes and I found the bird from the nearest bush. I yelled that "there it is" and people started to panic. Luckily bird showed quite well so everybody who was there at the moment saw it! I even had time to put Vilma on the stroller and tick the most amaing stroller tick! Some people waited there like four hours and we came there and it took only minutes!
I was hoping to see it again and get some photos, but bird didn´t show up anymore when we were there.
Still I was super happy to see this one of my dream birds and even with the strollers and my family!
Sanni and Vilma jsut before the Accentor was found again. |
Tricky place to see small brown bird. |
After the twitch we visited Turku and we had nice sushi buffet meal in the city center.
Next day I was lying on our sofa when I noticed an alarm of Great-grey Owl in Herttoniemi, Helsinki! Shiit! I took Vilma and together we drove there.I also informed my pall Tyron who had this bird on his want to see list. Bird was resting in a park quite near the road.
When I arrived there with Vilma there was already some twitchers, including Tyron.
We got nice views of the bird, little bit behind the leafs. Very rare bird in Helsinki and very good stroller tick.
Great-grey Owl! |
Vilma was happy too! |
After the Great-grey Owl we checked the Tawny owl from near by and left back home, because we had some drive ahead to Vääksy to see my mother in law.
Tawny Owl. |
One reason to go Vääksy was birds again. On our way there I knew that Marhs Tit was spending time in Hollola and because I haven´t seen any in Finland ever, now was good time to fix that problem.
About an hour drive and we arrived to Hollola where the bird was seen.
Vilma was sleeping so I didn´t took her out, but at least I saw the bird and got lifer! Thanks for the company Jari and Anu!
Marsh Tit. |
We had great time in Vääksy and we arrived back home later that night.
On 13th We were on the road again! This time our destination was Janakkala and Isabelline Shrike. Bird was seen at same morning and we arrived there at 10.30. Bird was gone and it was not seen in few hours.
We spend almost two hours there but no luck... I walked around the area but nothing..
You can´t be lucky everytime...
Nothing there.. |
Family selfie! |
After Janakkala we went to see Sannis friend Riina in Tampere and again we had amazing Sushi buffet there. Sushi is one of our favorite things by the way.
Later same day we drove back home. Long but fun day.