17. toukokuuta 2013

Last day in Eilat area. 17.5.2013

This was our last day in Eilat area. Still no Sooty Falcon, but we have even bigger hopes to find it from the north.
Todays first places was km20 pools and place to see Falcon, but no falcon.. Sand Patridges were singing and Petteri saw female Red-footed Falcon.

Sand Patridge singing.

Slender-billed Gull in km20 pools. 

Later we drove around Eilat and Yotvata. Not much to tell about birds.. Same Cuckoo was in Canada Gardens, Some Broad-billed Sandpipers in IBRCEpools and soon after non about 800 Honey Buzzards went over Eilat.

Curlew Sandpipers. 

Light morph Booted Eagle.

Honey Buzzards. 

Tomorrow we go to Dead sea area and then to Hadera where we are going to twitch Painted Snipes, if they are still there :)
Let´s hope we have some luck tomorrow. Hear you soon.


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