After Loviisa we had only one night at home and next day we started our second trip towards Hartola. On our way we stopped at Vääksy, where Sanni´s mother is living and because Covid-19 we visited her place first time since the virus started to spread. Kids were so happy to see their grandmother and we went to swim near by. Very pleasant few hours there were a variety of different delicacies on the table, of course.
Beach. |
White Wagtail. |
From Vääksy we drove about an hour to Hartola and when we arrived my mother was there waiting for us. I have many good childhood memories from this place and always a pleasure to arrived there.
My first Common Clubtail. Gomphus Vulgatissimus. |
Calm lake and sunset. |
Black-throated Diver in our lake, light was a bit harsh for any good photos.. |
Next few days we had great time, food, swimming and fun. I also twitched Common Quail from Sysmä, quite near by. Other nice birds during the time there were two singing Eurasian Nightjahrs, Hazel Grouse which I got with stroller! and colony of Sand Martins close to our place.
Red-eyed Damselfly couple, Erythromma Najas. |
Vilma and Julius. |
Broad-bodied Chaser, Libellula Depressa. |
Sand Martin colony. |
I counted 36 bird from this site. |
Very hard to photo these fast birds... |
Vilma fishing from our platform. |
Normally I don´t see any good birds there, but for butterflies this place is good. This year it seems that there i not too much of those too, but still I was able to see some good species. I even got a lifer when Oak Eggar moth, Lasiocampa Quercus went trough our yard. I tried to follow it, but no chance.. Also Poplar Admiral, Limenitis Populi was seen only in flight. Here is few pictures.
Amanda´s Bluet, Polyommatu Amandus. |
Large Wall Brown, Lasiommatta Maera. |
Small Tortoiseshell, Aglais Urticae. |
Apamea Sordens. |
Old World Swallowtail, Papilio Machaon. |
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Boloria Selene. |
Ringlet, Aphantopus Hyperantus. |
Wood White, Leptidea Sinapis. |
After four nights we left towards home, but we stayed there only one night, cause Loviisa was calling again. More of that later.
We had amazing week and I still have two weeks left of my summer vacation.
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