After Hartola we spend only one night at home and again next day I was driving to our summerhouse in Loviisa. This time we had only my family and Oona, cousin of our children.
Mostly we just enjoyed warm weather and kids spend most of the day swimming in the ocean. Midsummer is not ideal for any bird watching here if you are not ringer or something like that, but there is always something to watch. I had two Black Woodpeckers, Hobby, many Little Gulls, Grey Herons, many forest birds etc. Common stuff, but at least something.
Mute Swan family. Very common in this area. |
Four-spotted Chaser, Libellula Quadrimaculata. Also very common there. |
Black-tailed Skimmer, Orthetrum Cansellatum. Older female in this picture. This yeas very common, some years only few around our place. |
For now I think most of the summerhouse trips are behind. I still have my vacation going till 13th, so I just hope that someone will find the real rarity and next week I will check the Viikki area more often, cause my kids are back in daycare and I have time of my own.
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